5 Ultimate Tips on How to Successfully Declutter Your Home

An uncluttered home is a stress-free life. In fact, many people now understand the real essence of being a minimalist at home. This doesn’t only give you a more organized dwelling, but it also provides you with more space to do your hobbies while pursuing your passion. And the main idea of simplified lifestyle actually pertains to having minimal clutter that is easy to sort out. So how do you start decluttering your home?
Less Stuff, Less Stress: A Minimalist’s Mantra
In order to help you organize your home, there are simple steps to follow. All you need to do is check out below tips to effectively guide you in arranging your things at home while removing those that are not useful anymore.
1. Sort out your stuff and identify the things you no longer need. Look at your entire home. Search your room, your kitchen, your attic, and even your garage. Are there specific items that are not useful anymore? If you’ve found something unusable, eliminate them right away and never look back. It’s easier to say goodbye to the things you once loved that way.
2. Grab a trash bag and fill it up. Once you’ve found the items that are no longer useful at home, put it in a trash bag. You will surely fill one plastic bag as you search for unneeded items. This is actually one of the best techniques you can use when decluttering your home. Although you have to make sure that you are removing surplus items only.
3. Do the Hanger Experiment and see if it works. Have you ever heard of the “Oprah Winfrey Closet Hanger Experiment” yet? This technique actually helps homeowners find wardrobe items that need to be eliminated. By using your hangers, hang your clothes on the reverse side. And as you use each piece, put it back in your closet while facing the right direction. In a few weeks time, you will know which ones to discard.
4. Create a list to recognize areas that need decluttering. Do not just go on a decluttering mission if you haven’t figured out yet where to begin. You will only miss spots that require ultimate cleaning up if you don’t have a list at hand. So go on and take your time to list down every single area that clearly needs general cleaning.
5. Change your viewpoint in terms of removing clutters for good. If you really want a successfully decluttered home, you need to know the ways on how to effectively do it. For instance, you can try the 12-12-12 challenge. It’s a task where you find at least 12 items that should be discarded, 12 things to be donated, and 12 pieces that must be put back in their proper places. Isn’t it exciting to declutter while doing a few fun activities like these?
A minimalist home doesn’t welcome any excess stuff especially when there is not enough space to accommodate surplus. So are you willing to give up unneeded items including some of your favorites?