New Michael Antonio Shoes White Leno-PU


I have a new baby!!!

Presenting, my new Michael Antonio shoes!

Michael Antonio White Leno Resorts World Newport Manila

I have been searching for a gnarly white pair of shoes but I haven’t found the one for me.  I have always been a fan of Michael Antonio and as I was shopping around Resorts World, I passed by Michael Antonio which had a sale of up to 50% off.  This sale is only ’till the end of February.  So head on to any branch of theirs to check out some items on sale.

Sale Michael Antonio White Leno Resorts World Newport Manila

The sale is only until the end of February 2011!

What attracted my attention though are these white Leno Michael Antonio shoes.  It was on the “New Arrivals” rack, therefore, no sale.  But still, the price was not bad for the quality and the design of the shoe and ka-ching-kaching I bought it!  I got it for P3,200 not bad for these awesome pair!

Michael Antonio White Leno Resorts World Newport Manila

oh, and the saleslady said that Anne Curtis bought the red one of this!

More Photos of other cool shoes I found around the Michael Antonio shop:

New Michael Antonio Shoes Newport Manila Resorts World
New Michael Antonio Shoes Newport Manila Resorts World
New Michael Antonio Shoes Newport Manila Resorts World

New Michael Antonio Shoes Newport Manila Resorts World
New Michael Antonio Shoes Newport Manila Resorts World
New Michael Antonio Shoes Newport Manila Resorts World

Hannah Villasis Flaircandy New Michael Antonio Shoes Newport Manila Resorts World

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