HOSTELS are the way to go

A hostel is like a dorm-type budget lodging where in you only pay for bed space and usually share common bathrooms with other boarders. IKR, sounds scary but through this online booking you could also get to see reactions and reviews from customers.

If you are not willing to spend a super comfy en-suite hotel room then you would consider booking in a hostel. The price is significantly lower when you just stay at a hostel!

But, if you still want a comfy en-suite (private room for 1 or 2 with bathroom and complete bedsheets) then you can still look for specific hostels that offer this. Most hostels though would share about 3-6 beds in a room and would just provide safety lockers for your valuables. The most beds in a room I have seen so far is a 12-bed room @_@ pretty messy you might think eh. But you can take a look and browse around to see actual pictures and you would see that it’s not that bad for it’s cheap price!

There are many online hostel bookings and you can look it up on google but I particularly have already booked twice using To me it’s a realible transaction. Some hostels accept paypal payments if you have an account. I really didn’t quite have much trouble booking here and it was a smooth transaction for me. Looking at their database, I can tell that many people are booking through this website as well.

*Information above is based on my personal experience only when I booked a hostel in Singapore. Facts may vary depending on the country or hostels involved.

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  1. I have also used many many times and have never had a problem. They have some good content, videos and guides (seems to be expanding) which I thought were cool. Next time I am donning my rucksack will be the first site I book with.

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