That Smile Before – Chris Masami (music video)
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Ola! Here’s the music video I’ve been telling you about! Chris Masami is a rising artist! He’s like Philippine’s very own John Mayer with his sexy voice. Hit play to get to know more about this half Japanese – half Filipino artist!
This music video is directed by Kring Elanzano for
I will write more about the making and my experience next time. In the meantime… share the love, spread the video! You will fall in love with Chris’ music.
Trouble watching video? watch it directly from flippish.
Love it! Love love the bedroom scene. Ayos ito ah! 🙂 Congratulations!!!
whoaaa! this is it!!! hehehehe 😀
Galeng naman… clap clap clap…
Thanks Eligio ^_^ 😀
Thank you Telly!
more videos to come.. wee….