IPANEMA Urban Jungle Runway Show – Fashion, Dance, Art
It’s not every day you get to witness a very glamorous fashion show like the recent one I’ve witnessed – the Ipanema Urban Jungle Runway show! Perhaps it’s my passion with Dance that I got to appreciate this fashion show more. Production wise, it was very smooth. Thumbs up for the models/dancers, the costumes, the choreography and the staff behind the show.

photo by Animetric
Last May 8, 2012 world-renowned Brazilian flip-flop brand, IPANEMA took style animals to an unforgettable experience out in the wild when it transformed the Bonifacio High Street into a mystical urban jungle where IPANEMA’s sassy new collection was paraded.

The IPANEMA Urban Jungle Runway Show was a night of fun and true enchantment; a sheer moment to captivate the Metro’s style stars through fresh, animated pieces that capture that jovial spirit unique to the IPANEMA brand. True to the happy and exotic vibe of the beaches of Brazil the brand has been known for since it has established itself back in 1971, the IPANEMA designs featured a refreshingly distinct mix of bright colors adorning striking and bold prints as well as vibrant and unique design patterns.
What exactly unfolded during the roaring runway show? A jamboree of mystical animals which included
the playful and graceful dolphin;

the sleek and agile “Jacob†of the land: the wolf.

Also making his regal presence felt was the king of the jungle, lion with its powerful and intimidating stance.

Completing the fashion soiree was the vibrant and sophisticated peacock;

the soaring eagle with its potent sexual energy;

the meek and mild gazelle that represents those with laid back taste;

the sexy and imperial snake;

the eye-catching ostrich;

the zebra which dons its uniqueness in every possible way;

and the funny and quirky caterpillar, which transformed into a glamorous butterfly as its fellow animals strutted their way into the urban jungle, a place where there is boundless freedom to express one’s definitive flair and need for comfort. Indeed, it was a runway spectacle like no other.

The Urban Jungle Fashion Show is IPANEMA’s way of celebrating unique individuals who take on everyday determined to conquer the world and stand out. It’s a toast to go-getters who own their unique style and never compromise on getting what they truly desire.
Follow IPANEMA on Facebook www.facebook.com/IpanemaPhilippines
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