Hot Website 003: Couchsurfing
Got the juice for travel? Here’s one site that could serve as a tool in satisfying your travelling needs. Couchsurfing gives you the best venue for an exciting and unique travelling experience.
Couchsurfing is a worldwide network for making connections for the travelers and the local community they visit.
So how does it work? The main idea with couchsurfing is to first find a place where you want to travel. Then, just log in to their website and search for people who could be your host. This could litterally mean that your host would give you a “couch” to stay on for the rest of your vacation, or book a hotel yourself if this would make you uncomfortable. The host will then tour you around. The itenerary depends. If you’re clueless or too lazy to research about hotspots around the place, then you could let your host do that for you. Or you could ask your host to take you to places you want to go.
It’s also a social community wherein you could get to meet new people and chat with them. In each location you would want to go, you could get to meet great people and have a much more wonderful experience being a part of the culture of the place you visited.
This also goes true when people want to contact you and visit you. You get to be the host, and spread the Philippine culture. You get to be an ambassador of the Philippines.
Having said this, I’d said it’s considered as one of my Hot Websites!