Sony Cybershot Luxe Wear Collection Philippine Fashion Week 2011

This one is a quickie.  It was a very hectic week for me as I had to juggle work, shoots, pole dancing and the grand Philippine Fashion Week 2011.  I wasn’t able to go to everything but I knew I had to go to Sony Cybershot and Vaio fashion shows because they will be featuring a lot of local designers!


Thank you to the Sony team for giving me a seat up front <3  It was hard or me to take photos while I watch the models walk by me.  So I took just a few photos so that I can enjoy the fashion show :)  Here it is:


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Cyber-shot Presents the Luxe Wear Collection at the Philippine Fashion Week Holiday 2011

Beyond capturing trends, Sony Cyber-shot is defining them.

DSC-T110 (2)

In partnership with Philippine Fashion Week Holiday 2011, Sony Cyber-shot is presenting the new collections of emerging trend-setters Benjie Manuel, Delby Bragais, Edwin Uy, Jay Sustiguer, John Guarnes, Julius Tarog, Kat Corpus, Melvin Lachica, Nicky Martinez, Nolie Vineza, Roel Rosal, Ronaldo Arnaldo, Santi Obscena, Simon Ariel Vasquez, and Tina Daniac.

The designers showcased new creations drawing from the inspiration of two sleek new Cyber-shot models – the Cyber-shot TX10 and the Cyber-shot T110.

With the Cyber-shot’s clean lines, beautiful craftsmanship, and advanced technology, these digital cameras are positioned to become the next evening bags – glamorous but absolutely functional pieces that complement and enhance outfit while still helping women get through their various activities, from morning until evening, in style.


Travel the world’s fashion capitals with Cyber-shot TX10

Where conversation piece meets workhorse is the 16.2MP Cyber-shot TX10. Waterproof in up to 16 feet / 5 metres of water for an hour and shockproof up to 1.5 metres, the TX10 lets you take high-quality photos, including panoramic pictures, and Full HD 1080i videos of friends, family or pets underwater. Its resilience in different environments and temperatures make it an ideal accessory, whether one is enjoying a tropical cruise this summer or globe-trotting through different fashion districts. Not only is the camera good to go in chilly weather, but the sleek TX10 is durable enough to withstand an accidental drop from up to approximately 1.5 metres.

DSC-TX10 (8)
DSC-TX10 (9)

Debuting on the Cyber-shot TX10 is the 3D Still mode, which captures two consecutive shots in different focus positions to calculate the depths and then it creates left-eye and right-eye images to produce a 3D effect. It still carries the 3D Sweep Panorama feature that Sony introduced in the NEX-5 – with a simple one press-and-sweep motion, numerous, high-speed burst of frames are stitched together to create a detailed-pack panoramic 3D image.


Life’s a party with Cyber-shot T110

DSC-T110 (5)
DSC-T110 (7)

The Cyber-shot T110 is a 16.1-megapixel ultra slim yet powerful camera with a wide 3.0” touch screen that makes it easy to compose and review shots, navigate menus and optimize focus. With 1920 x 1080 60p progressive Full HD video capability, it allows you to capture stunning, fast-motion video smoother playback when shooting your active summer parties and events.  It takes the guesswork out snapping great photos with features like iAuto and Optical SteadyShot image stabilization.

Sony in Philippine Fashion Week Holiday 2011

Transcending and trend-setting – these are the unique propositions offered by Sony for both the realms of fashion and technology.  As it presents its new products in the brand new season of Philippine Fashion Week, Sony continues to push the envelope for looking good and performing well.

For more information, please visit the nearest Sony Centre near you or visit

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