
Everyday I’m strugglin’

but let me tell you this…

Smooth roads never make good drivers!

Smooth sea never makes good sailors!

Clear Skies never make good pilots!

Problem free life never makes a strong & good person!

Be strong enough to accept the challengers of life.


Without struggle, there is no progress.  Though this is true most of the time, there may be exceptions.

I just wish struggling in a relationship would lead to progress and good lovers… But sometimes, that is not the case! Yes? No?

So tell me… why do people love people who don’t love them back? Why struggle?

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    1. D, I’m browsing through old blog posts and you are one of the closest friends I have online who always comment. Domo arigato mr roboto XD I just want to say I appreciate it. Take care of you and your family ^_^

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