Thank You Jehzeel Laurente

If you are reading this I have successfully installed wordpress!!! =) now, migrating my content from blogger to here will be just so easy… like one to step…

But the thing is… i kinda sorta want a different template… but I don’t know how to edit the template


so so so… how to change???





now my wordpress is supah fine already thanks jeh jeh!  I’ve been learning so much from you!

Too see the webpage behind this successful blogger go to

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  1. Thank you Jeh Jeh… I can say thank you in different lanuages: Salamat!
    Domo Arigato!
    Xie Xie Ni!!!
    To Sha! (wutever tha spelling ROFL)

  2. waaaaaahhhh…. 🙂 I was supposed to delete this.. this is only my trial post after my first migration ever 😛 oh well but then again.. why delete this *heehee* this documents our friendship or shall we say brotherhood or sisterhood O_o ROFL… wtv I’m keeping this post…

    And oh, this reply is also to test if my gravatar is working liau!


  3. Congratulations. I told you sooner or later you’d be moving to WordPress. Wow, you really are getting into this blogging thing.

  4. You said it alright… “I told you so…” Well, it just took wordpress education 😀 dati ko pa gustong mag wordpress wala nga lang akong alam.. so yon ngayon… super coolness na! 😛 yaey!

  5. @Char, you have a new template? wee I must go visit at once! 🙂

    @Jehz, nope not really, this template is ready made by wpelement… and you you you!!!! you gave me the push to do this 😛

    @Bryan Hoo walllaaoooo… I also got sleepless nights wanting to migrate at once… hey bryanhoo, if you need help in your migration just let me know if I could help you with anything 😛 not that I know html and stuff… but i could test! :heehee: goodluck to your migration too 🙂

  6. @Jehzlau, all the while I thought the header and the icon were automatically generated when I installed the template (^_^;) wow, thankz jeh jeh… so much m(_._)m *bows*

    @Dexter haha yeah just new to wordpress!!! And new to blogging 3 mos (dati blogger ako) and new to html coding and stuff haha lol.. thanks thanks 🙂

  7. Ah! Great to see another wordpress user! Congratulations!!

    I use a tweaked wordpress component, mojoBlog, on my site! I always get that sense of freedom while using the “free and priceless” goodies like WordPress, joomla, etc and not to forget the plethora of free plugins available ;)!

    Not to forget, the invaluable help of people like Jehzeel Laurente! 🙂

    Way to go Hannah! Good Luck Tweaking!

  8. @Praveen, woot, not to forget you who inspired me in the first week of my blogging to blog more 😛 mojoblog? O_o whooo… probably I would explore that next time 🙂

    @Dexter haha well, I thought Jehz would like it better if I used full name (you know) 😛

    @Paul U… woot Paul… it depends on what picture andami 😀 lol

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