Trey McIntyre Project: American Contemporary Ballet Company
I’m very happy to witness this fusion of ballet, contemporary art and our very own folklore dances!
Thank you very much to our friends from the US Embassy for inviting us to become a part of this 🙂
U.S. Embassy Manila and the Cultural Center of the Philippines just the visit of an American contemporary ballet company, Trey McIntyre Project, to the Philippines. The group will work collaboratively with the Ramon Obusan Folkloric Dance Group and conduct master classes in ballet, modern dance and technical direction in Manila and Iloilo City during a ten-day visit to the Philippines.
They graced us with a short number to the music of The Beatles
Trey McIntyre is one of the most sought-after choreographers working today. He has created a body of more than 90 works for companies such as American Ballet Theatre, Stuttgart Ballet, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, New York City Ballet and Ballet Santiago (Chile). He formed his acclaimed Trey McIntyre Project in 2008, based in Boise, Idaho and has since focused on creating works that explore the human experience in transformative and captivating ways.
Trey McIntyre Project’s visit to the Philippines includes two showcase performances:
· May 10, at 5:30 p.m., Central Philippine University, Rose Memorial Auditorium,
· May 12, at 6:00 p.m., Market! Market! Mall Activity Center, Taguig City.
Both performances are open to the public and free of charge, presented through the support of Central Philippine University and Station Square East Commercial Corporation.

· May 10, at 5:30 p.m., Central Philippine University, Rose Memorial Auditorium,
· May 12, at 6:00 p.m., Market! Market! Mall Activity Center, Taguig City.
Trey McIntyre Project: American Contemporary Ballet Company in Manila
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