Friendster Blogs Migrates Powered WordPress 2.6
Heads up friendster folks… Ever since I started blogging I seldom check my friendster anymore… But say what’s the good news to our friendsters who maintain their blogs their? Yes, Friendster Blogs went into total overhaul and got into some newly spankin’ blog juices…
Now blogging is much easier, more flexible and more classy… Thanks to WordPress powering it!
Here’s a preview of my own juiced-up friendster blog…
Nice isn’t it?
forever and ever,
Flair Candy
now friendster would be much cooler 😀 lalo na pag pwede lagyan ng adsense 😀
@Jehz yess kasi dati parang sobrang unfriendly 🙂
this is a good news to all..specially friendster users..
yes, since many are not blog savvy but many are friendster users apparantly this would be good new.. plus the adsense wooot*
cool! this would be great! ahah.. ads.. update ko na rin fs na blog ko.. haha
@webslave Yes and the good thing about friendster blog is that you have a network of friends already and if you have a new post, they’ll be alerted or something so, not much of a problem driving traffic there right? 🙂 Why don’t you post your friendster blog url and I’ll come and visit 🙂
Sad… My condolences to for the loss….
ohhh my oh my.. this is gross.. in a way of… wow! finally… this is something really good!
Napansin mo din pala? Sana noon pa sila nag WP at di na sila nagtiyaga sa TypePad.
@Jonah oh.. was the one who powered friendster blogs before? I see
@hugolim eh? gross? horrr…
@Ade That’s why I don’t blog in friendster before eh… actually I received a notification mail that they will be migrating my blog 🙂
oh yep… sixapart’s Typepad. Was a beta tester I only liked the interface. They developed too. The real competition was(not sure if it still is) between wordpress, textpattern and movabletype… then came expressionengine(used to be pMachine) by ellislab which was very fast to catch up.
Cool template btw!
Hi. This blog is nominated for the Filipino Blog of the Week award (week 126). Please visit my blog and vote. Good Luck!
@jonah wow, then again you know much about these blogging platforms (^_^;) there’s much I need to learn =)
@Talksmart – wow,
this will actually be my first time being nominated in a blog thingy thing =) Thankkieewww!
i’m sure, a lot of spammer/link builder will take advantage of this new features. masaya to 🙂
hahaha dont be deceived… i only know the names mwahaha
i dont like fs blog. un lang period. and i cant even delete my blog there. 5Omb taz konti lang ang mga designs andun. so u stay here coz il stay here. hehe
@Eligio ROFL ganon ah… baka nga
@Jonah… aw… so humble… nah, you know lots 🙂
@I Am Downloader – I never liked it either, I only wanna post there to advertise cz i have my friends there 🙂 I’ll just keep it there… but I’m here =) still here (^_^)
this is a good news to all..specially friendster users..
yes indee yesminomu coz the last time i used the old friendster blogs thing it was quite tricky.
At least now it’s cooler 😀
I know right @yesminomu coz the last time I used friendster blogs it was really pretty tricky
hy, Do something for help the hungry people in Africa and India,
I added this blog about this subject:
Thank you for your site 🙂
I made with photoshop backgrounds for myspace and youtube and whatever
my backgrounds:
take care and thank you again!
It’s a good thing that friendster is also using WordPress as blogging CMS 🙂 Friendster is really aggressive on upgrading their services…
friendster Layouts and Friendster Background
Aw… almost cool. Is there anyway we can add adsense without violating the friendster TOS?
haha, I don’t know actually…
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this is a good news to all..specially friendster users