Partying since Two Thousand and Late

When people ask for my profession I always say I’m a CPA – Certified Party Animal! 😛

We get a good laugh and then I’d say “I’m kidding, seriously… I’m a licensed CPA” – and they still laugh thinking I’m still joking >.<  Do I really look like a dumb bimbo that no one believes I’m a CPA?

For starters, here’s me in my Oathtaking Ceremony that happened sometime in 2007


Is it an abandoned profession?  I don’t know, who knows… but for now I’m resting my left brain and I’ve been utilizing my right brain with blogging and many other things!  But for now, I’m just your average Certified party animal 😀

My blog has been flooded with party pictures.  It’s just in my system.  I love music, dancing, meeting new people and having a good time with friends.  It’s always fun celebrating


Party Acts of Randomness

#1 I take crappy photos when I’m tipsy.

and it usually happens when I’m taking photos with celebrities like Derek Ramsay and one of the guys of Philippine All Stars @_@


these pictures were taken at one of the awesome parties I’ve ever attended in Boracay.


#2 I party with celebrities (ehemz ehemz) Perks of blogging and getting invited to special events! 😛

apart from the celebrities I mentioned above,


Partying with Karylle, Yasi Pressman, DJ Tracey of Mellow 94.7



#3 Random after-party Roadtrips

When I’m done partying in the club and I’m still full of energy, I’d kidnap my friends and go on a random roadtrip (usually just up to Tagaytay)

*note don’t drink and drive – have a designated driver <3 and that would be me for our team 😛


catching the sunrise in Tagaytay


and eating bulalo for breakfast… hmmm… they serve Bulalo as early as 6am 🙂


#4 You will NEVER see me frown when I’m partying!



#5 Partying in Boracay, in different countries

You gotta party when you travel and it’s gotta be a part of your itinerary!  Partying in Hong Kong, Singapore and anywhere else… my ultimate party destination that I want to go to is  – Amsterdam! I’ve heard crazy stuff and I don’t want to miss out on the fun.. For now, let’s save some moolah on my Travel Fund!


#6 House Party in my Hometown – the city of smiles Bacolod!

In my hometown – Bacolod, we love to party by ourselves at our own homes.  I just happened to go home after 3 years!  My bff Andrea came home from New York and I know I have to see my girls again!  I arrived on a Tuesday night and people sleep there early! SWEAR like 9pm, the city is already so quiet!  But, that was the only night that we all can go so we still decided to go out that night!


We hanged out in Bob’s Cafe til midnight, which is the time they close.  After that, we couldn’t find anywhere else to hang out and here goes my random party act #8…


#7 Chillin’ at our local City Hall!

so, we couldn’t find anywhere else to hang out… and some of our guy high school friends invited us to hang out with them!  When they told me they were drinking outside the City Hall I was like – ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!

Apparently, it is one of the safest places to hang out because it is like a public park too and there are guards patrolling the area.  I was like *phew*


It’s rockin’ because our new City Hall was something that they built when I’m already living here in Manila.  When my plane flew above it and took a peak to see the terrain below, I saw this lovely building – beautiful when you look above it because they have a gnarly fountain with well-maintained landscaping.


#8 Best Parties in Boracay

With this I give you the best place to party! You’ve gotta love Boracay parties – hands down… Celebrities get friendlier, everyone is friendly and everyone is just having fun!  Party in the morning and night!


Parties in Boracay starts early and as you can see, me, Jane, Saab and he rest of our friends were sipping some margarita after lunch!

And look!  I am wearing a bikini while eating lunch at Epic!  It is SOOOO HOT in Manila that I want to walk around just wearing a bikini – because it is just so SIZZLING hot!  We all know I can’t do that though, I might go to jail or something.


*swoon* Mark Nelson actually on his way getting some drinks and me getting some booze after he taught me how to Cliff dive <3  Well, –ish … he was giving general tips to everyone who’s cliff diving for the first time.


#8 Drinking the JUDAS!


Judas is not a person, it’s a cocktail drink :P  This is the cocktail mix that one of our friends “accidentally” created.  I am not sure what kind of drink they were trying to mix originally, but they happened to make this awesome cocktail that tastes just so *tropically* good!  Honestly the best mix I have ever tasted in my life!

And so I asked them what they call the drink – and they call it “the JUDAS”

Why?  As we know, in the bible, Judas is a traitor… That’s what they call the drink too coz no matter how much rum they put, you can’t taste it much.  But of course, you’d get that hint of alcohol.  It was lots of fun catching up to what my high school friends have been up to and reminiscing high school memories!


#10 Concocting my very own “Tropical Judas”

It is actually derived from my friend’s own mix, but I gave it my own tropical flavor!  See the best parties for me happen in Boracay and at home just chillin’  With this in mind, I bring you – the Tropical JUDAS!


Tropical Judas Recipe


Orange juice powder

Mango juice powder

– mix the orange juice and the mango juice powders with water to make a juice

– add coke to spice the spirits of your “Judas”

– and of course, instead of just using your ordinary Rum, use white rum – Boracay Rum in Coconut flavor!  The coconut completes our tropical concoction to life!


*I used the powder with Pulp, but if you can use ordinary juice powders or even real fruit juices if you what – whatever tickles your pickle!


Like I said, the pulp makes it look messy but it’s up to you – just as long as you get that kick of Orange and Mango.  Put more mango if you can.


and there you go – Tropical JUDAS in d’ houz! Giving you a sip of Boracay at home <3

And oh, you can actually get a chance to win a trip to Boracay and capture the whole island experience!  Just check out more detailed info on Nuffnang’s official website:

Do you have some random party stories and facts for yourself too?  Or, do you have your own favorite home-made cocktail mix?

Share! Share! Share!

*This post is sponsored by Boracay Rum 🙂

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  1. Nah, u don’t look dumb. You’re just too cool 😀

    I wonder when will we ever party together na as in hardcore. The best i can remember is that chocolate event pa lol. =))

  2. Hi ms. Hannah. I don’t know if you’ll be able to read this but i would just like to know, is that mr. Brian lim of cpar beside you in the o.t. photo? Looks like him only young & skinny. Lol.I just googled cpa o.t.2016 and i saw this photo..hehe..anyways thanks..nice website too..more power..

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