Buy cheaper Singapore Grand Prix Tickets

The early bird catches the savings!


Grandstand Colour


I have a received an email from saying I was entitled for the Singapore GP Tickets Exclusive Sale!

Firstly, thank you very much for helping to make the first Formula One night race such a resounding success. With your continued support in 2009, we hope the FORMULA 1 SINGTEL SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX will reach even greater heights.

As you may have read in the press, we are testing the new upgraded ticketing system before we start public sales on April 9. As part of the evaluation, you have been randomly selected from the SGP database to have the option to purchase tickets before the public release. All the transactions during this period will allow us to “load” test the system.

So if you were intending to buy tickets for this year’s race, we have
set aside early bird inventory exclusively for you in return for you
booking during the testing period. The prices will be the same as
those offered during the public sales starting April 9.

I don’t know if I should disclose the link and the password but I guess it would not work unless you use my email address.   Having the password and link gives you the advantage to book seats that are more preferred and those with nice view.  I was thinking of posting the link to the beta site and the password but I thought that this would be risky if you did not receive your own mail.  This is because it is under “beta testing” and there might still be some bugs.  If you have not received the email then you may not justify for any complaints in case a problem ocurred with your ticket purchasing. 


Singapore Bay Grandstand


The ticket sales are so fast! For the bay grandstand that is! I was just deciding wether to buy the 3-day walkabout or the bay grandstand for a PHP 2,500 difference (SGD 80). I was so inclined to buying the Bay Grandstand ticket and this was my final decision! Unfortunately I ended up with a ticket up to the 5th row already (was aiming for the front row!!!) but see onlly a couple of days then the system indicates only 5th row up is available! Then I let it pass for another 3 hours because I re-assesed if I really indeed want the Bay Grandstand and if the SGD 80 is worth the upgrade. After 3 hours I decided that I really want the grandstand and guess what… The ticket availability is already for 6th row up!!! I die die leh… I so regretted that I made my decision so slow!

I have noticed thought that prices did not go lower (as compared to last year) prices for the early bird are the prices at which tickets were sold last year! I bought my Sunday Walk-about pass for SGD 108 for the 2008 Singapore GP. SGD 108 is also the same price being offered for the early bird now but regular rates for it is SGD 128. Click here to view the price changes from last year’s GP. At least singapore GP is transparent about this.   There will be bigger savings though if you buy the Turn 1, 2 and Pit Grandstand just in case you want to spend around PHP 40,000 / SGD 1188 to PHP 42,500 / SGD 1288 (discounted price) to maximize your Formula 1 experience.  Where I want to go though is the “Paddock Club.”  The VIP side.  No tickets can be bought to go here though… XD 

Anyway, I purchased my ticket immediately before I get the far seats! I bought this before April 9, 2009 (the official starting date of the buying of tickets).

Here is a guide for those who are interested in buying the tickets on April 9, 2009.

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Ticketing for the 2009 FORMULA 1â„¢ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix will be released in two parts, each starting with an early bird release, both of which offer significant savings over regular ticket prices.

All grandstands, except for the Bay Grandstand, will be released for sale via selected channels during part one of the ticketing launch on 9 April 2009. This will be followed by part two on 20 April 2009, where the Bay Grandstand and three-day Walkabout tickets will also be released for sale islandwide (see Annex 1)..

In all, a total of 72,000 tickets will be released. This is an increase of 2000 tickets when compared to the initial release last year.

The early bird release will consist of up to 50% of the available inventory for grandstand and walkabout passes. Once the early bird allotment in each area is taken up, the balance in the respective category will be offered at the regular 2009 rates.

“We are fully aware of the need to reflect the realities of the current economic situation. Our objective has always been to make the race as accessible as possible. Singapore GP remains committed to this, hence we will continue to offer various pricing points. For 2009, we have introduced our lowest prices ever and held or bettered 2008 ticket prices,” said Mr. Teo Hock Seng, Chairman of race promoter Singapore GP Pte Ltd (SGP).

In the early bird release of part one, fans will have the opportunity to purchase tickets for Turn 1, Turn 2, Stamford and Pit Grandstands with savings ranging from 7% to 14% when compared with last year. These prices also represent an average of 15% discount on the regular 2009 prices.

Tickets for the three-day Walkabout, Padang, Connaught and Esplanade Waterfront Grandstands have been held at the same price as last year during the early bird release of part one, offering savings of 12% to 29% over the regular 2009 prices (see Annex 2).

This year, the Bay Grandstand will be presented as a one price category, instead of different pricing points for the upper and lower seats as applied in 2008.

The configurations of the Marina, Raffles and Turn 3 Grandstands are being studied to maximise the viewing opportunities due to the recently announced changes which includes revisions to the Pit Lane Exit and Turn 14.

Currently, only three-day season passes are available for grandstands. However, SGP does not rule out the possibility of releasing single day grandstand tickets closer to the race weekend, pending the take-up of the season passes.

Tickets released in part one of the launch will be available for sale via three channels: online (, the ticketing hotline (+65 6738 6738) as well as the SISTIC Box Office, located at the Singapore Indoor Stadium from 9 April 2009. They will not be available at the other SISTIC outlets or via SingPost until 20 April 2009.

As the title sponsor of the race, SingTel is offering its customers the chance to purchase a limited number of single day walkabout tickets at early bird prices, before they are officially released for general sale. These will be exclusively available at the SingTel roadshow at Wisma Atria shopping centre from 10 to 19 April. Any remaining early bird tickets will be available for sale in the second part of the general ticket launch.

In part two of the launch, beginning 20 April 2009, the Bay Grandstand and Walkabout tickets will also be available at SISTIC and SingPost outlets island wide. Subject to availability, all other remaining grandstand inventory released in part one and remaining early bird single-day walkabout tickets will also be available for sale.

Ticket holders are advised to visit the official website,, regularly for updates and detailed information on the various ticket categories.


Schedule of Singapore Grand Prix Ticket Sales and Prices:

Part One (April 9-19)
Grandstand: Padang, Esplanade ($598), Connaught ($898), Stamford ($998), Turn 1 and 2
($1,388), Pit ($1,488).

Part Two (April 20 onwards)
Grandstand: Bay ($298). Walkabout: Three-day season pass ($188), Friday pass ($38), Saturday pass
($68), Sunday pass ($128). Early-Bird prices
Grandstand: Bay ($248), Padang, Esplanade ($498), Connaught
($698), Stamford ($898), Turn 1 and 2 ($1,188), Pit ($1,288).

Walkabout: Three-day season pass ($168), Friday pass ($28), Saturday pass ($58), Sunday pass ($108).

The difference between the Singapore Grand Prix 2008 and 2009 Circuit.

Yes indeed this is one of my dissapointments. The main difference between last year’s ticket sales and this year’s is that they no longer offer seats to the Singapore Flyer. This was a total dissapointment for me because to last year, this was where I was stationed.

singapore map where i was
Fully utilized my wald-about Sunday ticket and was stationed here in 2008 at the Singapore Flyer area for great photo ops

There were great photography opportunities here too since F1 cars slow down on the dangerous curve at Turn 22.


turn 22
Where I was



Singapore Formula 1 Night Race (68)
Whoohoo! I was posing in front of many many professional photographers XD embarrassing much


Kimi Raikkonen
Kimi Raikkonen (i think) or Filepe Massa (hehe) they were just coming too fast. This is the view from the bleachers for the walkabout pass.


view of turn 22 at another angle (photographer's platform)

I had the walkabout tickets but they provided here bleacher seats and I deemed myelf lucky!!! I have made the most out of my ticket.

sing 2009 circuit
2009 Singapore Grand Prix Circuit Ticketing Map

Notice the green area for tha walk-about tickets above and compare it with the walk-about tickets on the yellow area below.  It’s sad for me that’s why I considered buying the Bay Area Grandstand.  If the walk-about area is the same as last year’s I would have still bought the same ticket (only for three days).  But potong stim this is >.< I guess it’s one of their marketing / sales tactics.  oh well, back to reality.

2008 Singapore Grand Prix Circuit Ticketing Map


Summary links:

1.  Purchase Singapore Grand Prix tickets here.

2.  Singapore Grand Prix Ticketing Release Details.

3.  Singapore Grand Prix Early Bird Savings Off 2008 & 2009 Regular Ticket Pricing.

4.  Download the 2009 Singapore Grand Prix night race Circuit map here.

5.  Play Formula 1 online.

6.  View the parade of the stars video captured by me. XD

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  1. Pingback: hannaherika
  2. Pingback: KrAlc_é»’
  3. Hi there, could you disclose the password? I know the link but I checked my mail too late and my password has already expired.. =(

  4. the password is only good before April 9.. I guess for April 20, they’ll still be selling the bay grandstand tickets at a discounted price.. I also bought a ticket at the bay grandstand.. see u there! 😀

  5. hey Lawrence… you’re from Singapore or Malaysia? no worries! I know many people who will watch by themeselves ^_^ it wouldn’t be so bad.. hope we could bump into each other ^_^ if we do say hi 😀 I’m just a smile away XD

  6. Hi Hannah, thanks for this and your other great post on your F1 experience. I’m booking my tickets this weekend, and coming in from Vietnam. This is my first F1 event, and I’m excited!

    @Lawrence, I’m coming in by myself as well, doing the walkaround as well. If you’d like to meet up and have a drink, I’m down for it. Just leave a message on my site or comment here.

  7. Btw, I just saw this that this got announced:

    LONDON (Reuters) – Formula One’s only night race is expected to be louder and more melodic this year with the appearance of Beyonce and other global music stars at the first “F1 Rocks” concert, organizers said on Tuesday.

    Beyonce will be joined by the Black Eyed Peas, ZZ Top, Simple Minds, N*E*R*D and Chinese pop legend Jacky Cheung as entertainment over three days in Singapore from September 24th, adding to Formula One’s night-time grand prix weekend.

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