FREE Tickets to the Then and Now Massive Concert: Jojo, Baby Bash, Frankie J and more

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The BIGGEST music concert is about to hit Manila! It’s so BIG… it’s MASSIVE! The Then & Now Massive Music Festival happens on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds.

Coming to the Philippines are the top music stars like JoJo, Diana King, Frankie J, Baby Bash, V Factory, P.M. Dawn, SWV and more — each and every one of them performing their greatest hits onstage for all their fans in the Philippines.

The THEN AND NOW Massive Music Festival is a definite all hits show!  Not an album tour (where the artist/s only sing cuts from a new-released CD), or a promo tour (where the artist/s only push a couple of songs)- so music fans from all over the country can expect to sing and dance to their favorite tunes all night long.

Now is your chance to WIN EIGHT (8) FREE SILVER TICKETS every week or (2) a pair of VIP TICKETS to this once in a lifetime event!


Instructions to WIN EIGHT (8) SILVER TICKETS per week (worth P1,650.00 each silver ticket)

All you have to do to win the SILVER TICKETS is to leave a comment on the When In Manila Facebook Page or the FlairCandy Facebook Page. We’ll pick one winner from each of those pages and give each winner four (4) Silver Tickets. So that’s a total of eight (8) free silver tickets…. EVERY WEEK!

Just leave a comment on the When In Manila Facebook Page or the FlairCandy Facebook Page saying:

“ - I hope to win Four FREE SILVER TICKETS or the Grand Prize VIP Tickets from @When In Manila or @FlairCandy to see the @Massive Music  Manila Concert with my friends @____, @____ & @____ because _____!”


  1. to personally type in the “@When In Manila” “@FlairCandy” and “@Massive Music Manila” so that they actually tag and inform us on Facebook, which would let us know that you joined (copy and paste won’t work for that part). Be sure to add those Facebook pages first so that you can tag them.
  2. fill in the blanks and tag your friends who you want to bring if you win the four tickets

Every week, for the next four weeks, we’ll pick our favorite answer from each webpage. We’ll give away (4) Four Silver Tickets to a winner from each page, total of (8) Silver Tickets per week.

You may enter as many times as you want but you may not use the same group of friends. So you can join the contest 100 times if you list and tag a different group of friends you want to go with each time. We will only pick from comments made that week so you can totally try leaving a comment each week!


Instructions to WIN TWO (2) VIP TICKETS (worth P4,400.00 each VIP ticket)

A pair of VIP tickets will go out to the best VIDEO telling us why you’d want to hang out with Vince and Hannah on concert night at the VIP section!

Post the video and a short write up on your blog and include links to, and

Post links on Facebook and tag us, so we know you posted it.

We’ll pick our favorite video and invite you to join us, Vince and Hannah, in the VIP section!


We will announce winners of the (8) Eight Weekly Silver Tickets on April 19, 26 May 3, 10 and announce the winner for the (2) Two VIP Tickets on May 13.


For more info on the THEN AND NOW Massive Music Concert you can go to

So When In Manila, you definitely have to join this contest to get yourself loads of FREE TICKETS for you and your friends to see top artists like JoJo, Diana King, Frankie J, Baby Bash, V Factory, P.M. Dawn, SWV and more! Come to the “Then & Now Massive Music Festival” at the Mall of Asia Concert Grounds on May 15, 2010.

****P.S. You can see the EXCLUSIVE interview with Jojo, where she tries to say Filipino bad words and shows us her AWESOME hidden talent here –

See you there!!! ^_^

jojo-exclusive-interview-manila (25)


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  1. Pingback: Hannah Villasis
  2. Pingback: Bernie Sanchez
  3. hey Ann, yeah sure… but it’s still one entry coz no matter which page you comment, it will still reflect on my page coz I’m tagged… but it’s considered one entry. if you tag other friends then that’s another entry 🙂

  4. Pingback: kyle butler
  5. CONGRATULATIONS to week one winners of the Silver tickets!

    Each winner gets 4 Siver tickets!

    We still have three more weeks worth of Silver Tickets to give away! So keep on commenting! And don’t forget the grand prize of VIP tickets for the best blog or video!

    Do sign up on the sidebar for updates to be the FIRST to hear about our future contests, giveaways, new episodes and more! You can also get updates via Twitter –

    Fil San Buenaventura Capul on the FlairCandy Facebook Page ( – I hope to win Four FREE SILVER TICKETS or the Grand Prize VIP Tickets from When In Manila or FlairCandy to see the Massive Music ManilaConcert with my friends Oninz Ochoa Dooc, Ed Santiago & Mark Rodriguez because I want to watch JoJo live in person! ‘Coz I think she’s so talented, and she’s been my crush since forever!! Please do not deny me this opportunity!! Aaargh! And Diana King… I looooooove that “Say A Little Prayer” cover from “My Best Friend’s Wedding!” Everyone and their mother loves that song! So please, please give me the opportunity to watch this once in a lifetime musical event! And since I’m such a great friend, please let me bring my friends with me! I promise I won’t charge them for the tickets!! Hahaha! We’re all for the EARGASM, baby! Yep, you heard that right… JoJo, Diana King, Frankie J, Baby Bash, V Factory, P.M. Dawn, SWV… that’s all out E-A-R-G-A-S-M! Please don’t deny us this once in a lifetime EARGASM! Please!?! 😉

    Jhea Chan on the When In Manila Facebook Page ( – I REALLY hope to win Four FREE SILVER TICKETS or the Grand Prize VIP Tickets from When In Manila orFlairCandy candy to see the Massive Music Manila Concert with my friends Junpyo Chan, Jerome Marcos Talaue && Hector Dangananbecause we haven’t been in a concert! Luckily, the artists performing are our favorite. Grant our wish to attend this concert and we would be very grateful for giving us the opportunity to enjoy our very first Concert. 🙂

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  7. I hope to win the last pair TICKETS to watch Jojo with my girlfriend.. we just got together last march 21 and this would be a good pre-monthsary gift to her, this would also be our first concet date =)

    jojo’s song weak is one of our special songs…she sang this to me during our 3rd date.. her voice was amazing it would be such thrill to hear her sing that song beside me with jojo on the background… thanks flair/hanna =)

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