Hello Hong Kong Year of the Dragon


I’ve been really really busy with our team in maintaining David’s official online site with TV5. (Your task is to please take a look at it, followarchuleta.ph ktnxbai :P) It’s a job I love because I get to be with a lot of people everyday and I believe, every single person I meet has interesting stories!

I was so looking forward to this Hong Kong trip. Well, not really… It’s just that I already bought tickets last year and I didn’t want to put it to waste. I was supposed to go here with a few friends, but plans change…

I wanted to go with my boy instead, but he also had shoots and gigs this weekend.

So, I fly solo!

The last time I traveled to another country alone was in Malaysia. This time, HK… I’m comfortable going around HK and just rode an airbus from the airport to my hotel 🙂

I enjoy the ride.

I have brought work with me though. But that’s the good thing about being a social media person / blogger. I can pretty much work anywhere!

In the meantime, I am enjoying the feeling na parang may aircon everywhere! It’s cold here in HK at 16 degrees Celsius. I love coming here at this time where the weather is cold and it’s not raining.

Anyway, check out these few photos I took with my new camera – Canon S100. I LOVE IT!!! It totally takes great photos at night!

Loving my hotel room 🙂 I got it on sale via Agoda. The room is clean and they put me on the topmost floor with a relatively good view 🙂 —->> 🙂 <<—- all smiles!

Anyway, here they are:

Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer

var so = new SWFObject(“http://www.db798.com/pictobrowser.swf”, “PictoBrowser”, “500”, “500”, “8”, “#EEEEEE”); so.addVariable(“source”, “sets”); so.addVariable(“names”, “Hong Kong CNY 2012”); so.addVariable(“userName”, “flair candy”); so.addVariable(“userId”, “26320309@N08”); so.addVariable(“ids”, “72157628968204389”); so.addVariable(“titles”, “on”); so.addVariable(“displayNotes”, “on”); so.addVariable(“thumbAutoHide”, “off”); so.addVariable(“imageSize”, “medium”); so.addVariable(“vAlign”, “mid”); so.addVariable(“vertOffset”, “0”); so.addVariable(“colorHexVar”, “EEEEEE”); so.addVariable(“initialScale”, “off”); so.addVariable(“bgAlpha”, “90”); so.write(“PictoBrowser120122005828”);

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  1. I’ve never been to Hong Kong before, but I think I will go there with the family after I graduate… unless I want to have an actual graduation gift I could use. 😛

    Take care in there, Hannah! And please, pasalubong ko. 😛

  2. I think it’s exciting to trave alone from time to time. 🙂 Although lately, the only trip I get to go alone is the salon.lol I really wish I can go to HK this year! Have fun and stay safe. 🙂

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