
The minority, no matter what definition, is usually always ignored.  But sometimes, minority could mean something more.  In this case, minority is “special”

I just found out that there were countries visiting my site that I didn’t even know of.  I know I’m bad at geography and memorizing country names.  But I seriously haven’t encountered some of the places that visit my blog.

If I have enough money… I would want to travel to these places.  It’s the unpopular that I want to discover.  I find more treasure in the rare like rare music, rare TV drama… and the likes. 

I just watched “The Expendables.”  Don’t ask me about the review, I wouldn’t say anything nice.  I learned something though.  I learned that there is a place called “Vilena”.


I looked at my Cluster Maps and what you are seeing is data from May 2010 up to date.

Just by looking at it, I wondered what countries or places those dots are… I’m like “There’s internet connection there?”  and yet, they visited my blog!

The list below contains some countries visiting my website that I have never heard of like Senegal, Suriname, Malawi, Guyana, Belarus, Djibouti, Guernsey, Swaizland, Benin, Niue, Martinique, Mozambique, Anguilla and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Check out more of my clustermaps here.


These countries interest me hmmmmm……

Do you have a blog? have you checked which countries visit you too?  Isn’t it amazing!?!

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  1. My dad stayed in Guyana for three years. 😛 I want to go there someday. Lolo worked there as a doctor and he brought his whole family (six children and one wife LOL) with him 😛

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