Old Room

Bacolod was more of like a trip down to memory lane. I haven’t seen this room of mine for 3 years probably and I kind of missed it.

I found many things that brought back memories like my crown for Ms. JPIA (Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants – yes, I joined a beauty pageant lol) and our certificate for “Best Accounting System.”



I also found our high school yearbook and college yearbook 😛 In high school, I was actively dancing. I ate breakfast twice – one in 6am before I get fetched by school bus and another around 9:30am for Recess. With my appetite, I don’t get fat! That’s coz I often have dance practices.

Not to brag but uhmm… ok fine, I’ll brag – I’m a MATH WIZARD! whaddup!?! and many other things I excel in Academics, Extra co-curricular stuff and even leadership. meeh, those were the times where your only worries are grades and boys.


I look like a guy here lol. I also had my mole which I had removed in Belo 3 years ago. I was still pretty active on dancing and sports, but I had to let it go 3rd year to focus on the rigorous Accountancy program >.<


This was my own page in our High School yearbook. I drew that girl with laptop (at that time I didn’t have one) and OMG!!! 8 years after it’s exactly what I AM! A blogger always tinkering on laptop!

Also, you will find that before the Korean Pop industry became popular here, I had the first dibs on their music! Well, at least here in the Philippines. I loved Kpop because it was different from what I usually hear. I enjoyed their music videos and was a die-hard fan of Click-B! You can see at the upper right hand corner of my page some Korean characters – That spells “han” “na” or “Hannah” as in my name!


And that round thingy is the logo of Click-B!

I had so self study Korean because most of the lyrics I found online are in Korean characters. I know how to read and write. Before, downloading music was not “uso” therefore, I had difficult time getting their music.



OMG this iz OLD SKUL sh*t!

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  1. Hehe nice to reminisce right? 😛 Can’t help but feel that way rin everytime i visit Dagupan lalo na kapag nakikita ko high school and college related stuff. Ganito pala ako noon =))

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