Same Stuff Blogging, Random Thoughts and a Jet-Setter September!


I have an issue, I can’t really blog when I know many people are blogging about some certain topic or that someone blogged about something first before me, unless it would make my blog totally different from them.  That’s why sometimes I don’t blog-hop even though I want to.  I don’t want to find out what other people are blogging.  Well not yet, until I think I have released the clog in my blog bowl.

Seriously, at this stage my project in my office is just getting a little bit more stable.  With this, it’s just now that I had the time to breathe, to look at my blog again… to blog again… attend events again… redesign my blog (layout, content-wise and ads positioning)  See I don’t earn much from this blogging.  That’s because I don’t have much time.

I have declined many event invites and I have witnessed plurk updates and I totally got jealous lol.  Anyway, I hope to be back in action…  But this weekend, I’ll be surfing again baby!  No big waves in the forecast tomorrow but I’m still hopeful…  If not I’ll just paddle paddle until I burn all my fat out haha.

So what’s it gonna be?  What’s next?

I have yet to blog my Hong Kong trip and my Surf trips!  So please do watch out for that.  If you liked my Singapore budget post I’ll be doing the same thing for surfing so to all the rookie bloggers I know who just tried surfing, and got addicted to it the first time, I’ll be posting out tips to plan your own surf trips.

It’s a Jet Setter September for me!

I will be going to:

1. Cebu – I will just do a heritage tour (cheap free tours and just take photos and cam-whore)  I will be with Mica, Winston, Ed and Ada!  We might bump into AJ there as well.

2. Kuala Lumpur and Penang – I need to meet my dear shouters whom I have had a deep connection with despite the miles.  I need to finally try the Bah Kuh Teh and the Khoay Ziap whose pictures I have been drooling with over and over again!

3.  Bacolod – I haven’t been home in 2 or 3 years.  I need to visit my dad’s peaceful place ^_^ but since I think my budget is a bit tight, I might not push through with Bacolod, unless I have a sponsor I guess…

4.  Singapore – Another adrenaline-rushing Formula1 event!  I was there to witness the first ever night race in history last  year!  I’m gonna be there again the second time around! this time in BETTER SEATS!  and I will stay Longer!  I shall be budget trippin’ and back packin again for 7 days!

Enough Blah, I know you’re sleeping already with boredom from this all-text post haha… but hopefuly I’m back for good this time!


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  1. At least you have a lot of travel plans next month. Hopefully I can insert travelling on our fall break or Christmas break. We were thinking of travelling to Greece to visit our bff!

    My summer ends officially next week when our classes start. I hope I can cram blogging, book writing, part time job, homemaker and schoolwork into one. Thinking about that gives me a headache.

  2. wow! Greece is lovely! my boyfriend went there and took pictures for me… I would love to go there… I’d watch out for your travel post on that! and don’t think too much about your tasks… just do them one at a time ^_^ Cheers Charles ^_^

  3. Penang is far away and a it would be more difficult for me to go there since I will only be in Malyasia for 2 days! But I won’t miss the opportunity to taste the Kuhoay Zhiap and meet the wonderful people of Penang ^_^

  4. try nyo sa shangri-la mactan. even if you’re not gonna stay there, they have a daily rate where you can just go to the beach, take lots of pictures – super nice yung place. you can feed the fish. there’s jetski, etc… fine ang sand. and you can also have lunch buffet there. 🙂

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