A Kind Deed

Hi again readers.. It’s 11:41pm and I guess I couldn’t sleep eek. Looking for more alternatives to make yourself feel better and forget whatever thing’s bothering you…? My cure is a sure winner! I must say “A kind deed is therapeutic indeed!” See, you should never underestimate the happiness that a good deed can bring to you. When you make people happy, you’d also feel happy… guaranteed!… You will feel fulfillment, self-worth and happiness.. Lightness deep inside (click on “More…” to find out what good deed I did).

I have been missing my friends and I really do notice their absence. Well, I promised someone to fix his faucet…
yep, like a plumber I must be, to complete my promise!
the blog ambassador is a plumber too? Oh cool, she knows how to plumb? <– for lack of better term
.well, scroll.. scroll.. scroll

Willaz, I’m sorry if this came in really late but I do hope you liked it.

Click on Wilazz’s name to view the original picture.

disclaimer: I’m not good at photoshop really (hence all my pictures are unedited from my camera) but I gave my very best for this pic. ayt… Sleep tight everyone 🙂

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  1. awwwwwwwwww…… thats so sweet of u.. hannah.. its perfect. thats really nice!.. group hug.. :cuddle:

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