While I was on Hiatus

I had to suspend my blogging activities for some certain reasons: online stalker, stress, mental block and physical sickness. There, there… and now you know why. So, to all my readers and to those who subscribed to my blog, I thank you for still supporting me and without you all I would not have the urge to blog again. The Hiatus is over and your Blog Ambassadress is back!

To my shoutout family paiseh lah… I’ll be shouting from time to time but lately I’m just hectic like crazy and I miss you all!

Now what did I do while I was away?

Hey Shawty… It’s your Birthday!

It would have been the saddest birthday!  If not for my lovely friends and family!

While on HiatusWhile on Hiatus (2)

While on Hiatus (3)

The above cake courtesy of my dear team mates!


Martin (Candy Cutie’s) Despedida

Yes, we will miss this **Martin the Martian** Candy Cutie who wants to get to know hot Malaysian chicks :P  Sorry buddy, I had to torture you with this post! 😛

Click here if you want to see what I mean. Okay, but if you’re lazy to jump to that link just look at the picture below. 🙂


I know right… ok now moving on… Martin’s got some stuff to do for his career so we bid him goodbye… Sayonara!!!


While on Hiatus (5)While on Hiatus (4)

Martin holding his resignation letter and his *alien* pose :D  He’s single ladies so if any one of you wanna hook up with him leave a comment or leave a message here.


The combined Celebration (my birthday and Mart’s despedida)


While on Hiatus (7)

Yep we celebrated at Roadhouse Grill! … and let me have a separate post for this fancy foody housy!  Just some sneak peek on how it all went…

While on Hiatus (17)
Mart got an electric toothbrush as a gift!!! No seriously! I’m not kiddin… 😛

While on Hiatus (9)
and the now bigger Team we have 😛 plus one of course!!! Our adopted Kristel was with us 😀

Pampering myself 😛

David’s salon is my aunt’s trusted place to go for rebonding.  It’s quite expensive realatively compared to some others because it really uses Loreal products for rebonding 😀 but I listen to my Aunt when it comes to beauty treatments so here you go.. voila… I’m super happy with the results 🙂

I lurve my hair color
It shows my natural hair color. 😀

Bulk of Updates

I have to update my blog really ASAP!  But I am on a tight schedule as well in my job in the real life so there you go for now.  More updates to come!

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  1. Belated happy birthday 😮 Btw, that cake looks so sinful D:

    Oh. And electric toothbrushes are so useful! Mwehehe! Even though technically, I’ve never owned one before.

    I don’t like how David’s Salon treated me eh. So uppity. Probably because they had a lot of customers and they were in a rush, blahblah.


  2. Lalala wheee!!!

    Jeng! Jeng! Jeng!!!

    So I see on tiffy.i.ph you got a gnarly new bangshe eh? 😀 what salon were you off to? 😀

    Yes, I bet “she” is reading this post right now LULs… anyway, I don’t mind her na… I’m blogging as is 😀

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