Vietura Summer Contest

Hello everyone!  Are you ready for summer?  It’s time to take care of your skin because it is your best friend this sunny solstice season!

I’m giving away a Vietura GC so you can pamper yourself and be ready for summer!  Joining is easy 🙂



1. Follow Vietura on Facebook and Twitter
Twitter: @Vietura

2. Follow Flaircandy on Facebook

3. Answer the question “What makes you beautiful?” on the comment section below.

Know more about Vietura at Sofitel here.

It’s super easy!  I will pick my favorite answer and announce the winner on Labor Day! May 1.  I will contact you through the email address you will provide on the comment form below (your email address is private and won’t be seen by the public)

Spread the love!







I do agree, smile can go a long long way, congratulations Fati Recede!  I will contact you privately regarding your prize.




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  1. What makes me beautiful is when people say good things to me and they able to put a smile on my face. My smile makes me beautiful and it’s everyone’s beauty. Good thing it is contagious. ♥

  2. I can say that I’m beautiful because i am what i am. I am very contented and i don’t pretend to be someone else. Everybody wants to be beautiful and feel beautiful, not from their looks but by the impression they want to have on others. I believe that Beauty is not just about the physical appearance of a person , True Beauty is what’s on the inside. You are beautiful if you know how to love & respect not only the people around you but also yourself. Having a good etiquette manners makes us more beautiful.

  3. It makes me beautiful when I enjoy myself hanging out with my friends, teasing each other, having non-stop kwentuhan, kulitan at tawanan. Being beautiful is not only physically in nature. You can be beautiful by being positive in life, having fun with your love ones and keeping your faith to God. I’m beautiful because I was created by God and all of us are also beautiful. So live young and have fun! 😉

  4. My attitude makes me beautiful and how I perceive myself. If I believe I am beautiful, then I am beautiful. If I am happy with myself then I can be happy for other people as well and that makes me a beautiful as well.

  5. What makes me beautiful is my smile. I am grateful for my friends, family and special someone because they are able to put a smile on my face. They make me happy. They make me smile. I believe it’s everyone’s beauty. So smile. It’s contagious. ♥

  6. What makes me beautiful is the contentment I feel whenever I go to facial spa or to my derma. I always feel refreshed and rejuvenated after every facial session. 🙂

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