


Freedom is like water
Only in your deserts you’ll thirst for her
But no riches can buy her wells

– Poem: Joseph Hurtado

Freedom from fear…  the fear of the future…

There’s such a comfort in the thought of death… Knowing that you might die soon (like I did before when I thought I might have had cancer) will give you the courage or the “reason” (hehe) to do the things you want to do!  Hence, this blog is born and so many of my adventures to date!  Somehow it keeps on reminding me that life is too short.  Thinking that you’re dying is a great excuse to do crazy things you never thought you’d do like EAT A PIG’s BRAIN! (which reminds me, I need to post that video up!)

Freedom from embarrassment…

…and just laughing out your weird funny moments with the people that matter!  Ooooh yes I have tons to tell!  Ask my best friends, my officemates, my boss, my family… You’ll gonna be hearing a whole bunch of blooper stories!

…my blooper trademark: NOT being able to recognize or know the MOST FAMOUS PEOPLE!  So he could be seated right next to me he’ll get no special treatment lol… This person could be the hottest surfer in the Philippines but I always have just thought that he is just one of the locals.  This person is an TV icon, but I’m clueless to who he is ROTFL!  But they love me still!

Freedom from mistakes and *luck-less-ness*…

Converting every negativity into something worthwhile and valuable.  You know what they say, “If life throws you lemons, make a lemonade.”

“If life throws you a SNAKE – make some shoe or a bag out of it” 😛

“If life throws you knives … well you gotta run or else you’ll die” XD

My point is… look for opportunities even in the most unfortunate situation… EXCEPT when you think it will really kill you then don’t push it lah… Use your common sense eh!

Freedom is a choice!

I choose to be free… I make my own decisions, my own choices and I am responsible for it… So right now, I’m just gonna have all the fun I can get out of life!

Life is a stage and I’m the star!

Work hard… Party Harder!

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  1. Freedom is nice but sometimes we have to sacrifice something in order to gain it. For me I’ll just follow Paris Hilton’s quote: “Dress cute wherever you go, life is too short to blend in.”

  2. “The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become”

    Hey stranger… I like your posts… you should write more often 😉

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